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需 • 容 • 

Need (需)


Say NO to bogus language culture. Because speech bullying will split up teamwork and delay development. 


Be Strong. Implement self-sufficient culture in order to cover operational and maintenance cost of association. 


Provide professional knowledge and training platform to achieve business module transformation.

Further strengthen image of The Association with Forum with Architect & Structure Engineering Parties to introduce our signage professionalism. 

Establish the first in Malaysia’s Signage Skill & Assessment Training Centre, leading by PPSWP 

Embrace (容)




人生的成功,除了自身的劳力努力能力,还要具备胸怀的兼容宽容包容。双拳不敌 四手,猛虎难斗群狼,你本领再高,能耐再大,离开了集体和他人,亦毫无用武之 地;没有错误,就没有创新和进步,宽容别人的过失,是在为自己赢得生机。宽容 是壁立千仞的泰山,是容纳百川的江河湖海。法国作家雨果曾经说过:“世界上最 宽阔的是海洋,比海洋更宽阔的是天空,比天空更宽阔的是人的心灵”。

宽容也需要技巧。给一次机会并不是纵容,不是免除对方应该承担的责任。任何人 都需要为自己的行为负责。

宽容,能化解人与人之间的恩怨;宽容,能是事业发达;宽容,能使公会繁荣昌盛。 让我们学会宽容,让同业,让公会更加兴旺发达吧! 

Hearty (心)

  • Contribute with great Tolerance, Sincerity, Empathy and Genuine Attitude. Face and solve problems with utmost Integrity.
  • Maintain close partnership with the peers and sustain the good name of the association. 
  • Actively response to market changes. Integrate relevant information of suppliers for advertising materials, provide our members the best price, helping them to reduce the manufacturing costs and achieve highest possible profits. 


To Promote Signage Professionalism

  1. Organize event : Walk-in to schools, organize student group visit to our pioneer signage factory and inkjet printing factory to input professionalism and fun of making signages. 
  2. Organize FORUM with Professional group (architect and structure engineer) to create more business opportunity for member and as well achieve knowledge know how transfer and sharing between difference industry.
  3. Organize Seminar to members. Seminar categories could be business management, self-motivation, finance and loan banking information etc.

To be the University of Signage Industry

A. Training Course
1. Create signage production syllabus, submit to CIDB for approval.
2. Syllabus contents with:
    a) Installation
    b) Occupational Safety & Health (basic)
    c) Welding
    d) Spray Paint
    e) Electrical (basic)
3. PPSWP provide training courses for members with fees to obtain CIDB certificate. Certification from CIDB. Fees collection is a way to achieve selfsufficiency for asset’s operational cost.

B. Installer
  1. Installation work is a high risk and hard earner group in the market. They deserve a treat and recognition in the market.
  2. Many of them are sole proprietors without EPF and SOCSO. Business income is direct impacted by accidents and labour.
  3. Safety is one of the areas which was always being neglected at installation site.
  4. PPSWP to provide platform for iinstallers in our association – allow a seat for INSTALLATION GROUP in our committee. There will be a HEAD of INSTALLATION to execute and manage the installers in the market.
  5. PPSWP will work out training Syllabus with installer, and provide professional training with CIDB certification.